Monday, May 18, 2009

Slow Progress . . .

After 22 consecutive days of rain we were
graced by sunny, amazing, weather
on Saturday & Sunday!

We were able to put mulch around most of our
geraniums before we realized we
needed one more bag.

Our garden spot was still too wet to
till again & plant veggies.

Here are all the veggie plants
waiting to be planted.

We found this adorable pot of four sunflower
plants to plant along the brick wall.

We're hoping to get the garden finished
when Bob gets home from work today.


  1. No rain again today - woo hoo! Isn't it beautiful now? We did need the rain but truly, I was about to go nuts. Your gardens are going to be beautiful. :)

  2. It is looking good!

    Hope you can get those veggies in soon.

    Sunflowers are just plain fun!

  3. That looks like a really nice sized vegetable garden spot! I got so tired of squirrels & rabbits getting my vegies, I stopped planting any, but I sure would like to have some of those fresh ones. Maybe I'll just head to your yard in the dark of the night! Happy Planting. laurie

  4. I hope your weather stays wonderful...your gardens are looking lovely!

  5. I hope you have some great weather now. We need rain. I had my dh turn on the sprinkler system tonight. it is getting really dry here. Hugs, Terrie

  6. Sad to say we may get more rain by this week end.

  7. Looks like you are going to have a beautiful garden. I planted sunflowers a few years ago and they did so well and were a lot of fun!
