Sunday, May 17, 2009

Praise . . .

Shout to the Lord, all the earth;
break out in praise and sing for joy!
Psalm 98:4

Birds sing, tree branches dance in the wind, and God gave you a voice to sing praise to Him. Maybe you don't feel your voice warrants a microphone and stage, but to God's ears, there is no lovelier sound. It ushers you into His presence.

Your praise doesn't need to be limited to singing either. Shout to the Lord with thanksgiving. Praise Him for the wondrous works of His hands in your life. Dance and jump and clap and, on occasion, sit quietly and worshipfully in His presence.

God is eager to receive your praise, no matter how you choose to give it. Like a loving father glowing in the warmth of his children's adulation. God cherishes the praises of His children.

There is nothing that pleases God so much as praise.

Author Unknown

Taken from. . .God's Daily Answer


  1. Beautiful words. Is it really Sunday already? I guess it's later than I thought! Thanks for the early encouragement.

  2. Beautiful reminder in words to praise Him always. Yesterday was a precious time of reunion with our old choir director Dick Hill. His ministry taught us not just to sing words on a page but to truly
    worship. Those were awesome times in the 80's and early 90's.
    oh that churches would get back to true worship. Have a great Sunday.
    Love you

  3. I love to sing and praise the Lord.

  4. I loved this Carol! Beautiful words.

  5. Hi Carol...I'm baaack...LOL...I love the photo in your header...
    I'd love to walk through that beautiful entrance...Your words for Sunday are so true for everyday of our lives... ;-) Bo
