Friday, May 29, 2009

School's Out . . .

Most of the schools in Oklahoma are closed for summer vacation.
Almost all the public schools in Oklahoma begin classes during the hottest days of August, which means they close school before the last day of May. I know many states start class after Labor Day & they dismiss in June.
Do you remember the excitement you felt when you were a kid during the last few days of school? The feeling of freedom you felt when you walked out the front door of the school was such joy!

So, to all you parents & grandparents who take care of the kiddos during the summer vacation, I hope you have a list of fun activities to keep everyone busy!

School's Out For Summer!

I'm not an Alice Cooper fan, but I couldn't resist using this song!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

First Year Of Retirement . . .

The first year of my retirement from teaching has flown by!
I've had several people tell me they would be so bored if they retired. Not me! I always have something to do!
I'm so blessed to have been able to retire when I was 55 years old!
I have had a wonderful 1st year of being retired.
My stress level has diminished greatly!
I have a new grandson that I've been able to
spend lots of time with since he
arrived on February 25th.
I've done lots of cooking, decorating, & cleaning.
I love doing these things when I have time.
I have the time now to create or just putter around the house.
I started blogging in September.
I've had such fun meeting new friends in blogland! I have learned so much from reading wonderful ideas on inspiring blogs.

Retirement, it's a good thing!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Restroom Humor . . .

I just couldn't resist taking a picture of this sign
when I saw it last week in the restroom of a restaurant!

Isn't that a hoot?!?!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Chalkboard Fun . . .

I found a new, fun way to write on chalkboards . . .

I bought two sets of chalkboard markers at Hobby Lobby.
Each set was $9.99.

Now the messages are colorful & easier to read!
I'd like to paint some items with chalkboard paint & create more fun displays all over my house. I'll be sharing the new creations throughout the next few weeks!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Busy Weekend . . .

This has been a fun & busy weekend.
Friday my sister, Susan, & brother-in-law, Mike drove over from Missouri for a visit. They got to meet Ethan for the first time. We had a family dinner & watched a movie here at the house. We stayed up until almost 2:00 a.m. visiting. We were sorry they had to go home Saturday morning.
Saturday night Bob & I went to a reunion dinner in the small town where he was born. Bob's the president of the reunion committee & always does a great job being the master of ceremonies for the evening.
Today we're hosting our annual 'Memorial Weekend Smoked Meat Fest'. We'll have about a dozen family members over for 2:00 dinner.
This is always a busy weekend that ushers in the summer season.
Let's all take time to say a prayer of thanks for all those who served our country in the past, & those that are serving now.
This is also a time that we pause to remember our dear family members who have already passed on.
Wishing you all a wonderful Memorial Day!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

What A Winner ! ! !

I'm so delighted that Kris Allen won season 8
of American Idol!

What an humble winner!

Another winner . . .

Last week I posted a 'pay it forward' challenge. I only had 2 people respond.


Only one respondent qualified. The other person, didn't have a blog so they were disqualified, (sorry sister, Mary!)

Stacey @ Poofing the Pillows is now going to 'pay it forward' !

Stacey, I appreciate so much that you leave comments so often on my blog. Even though we've never met in person I feel as if you're a friend I've know for years! I'll be creating your gift very soon! Please e-mail me your address so I can mail it to you as soon as it's finished.

Thanks Stacey for paying it forward!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Waiting Game . . .

Last night I had to DVR American Idol because hubby & I attended a surprise birthday party in his home town for one of his friends. I called Kari & asked her to e-mail me the phone numbers for Kris. We got home around 9:30 & I started watching the end of Dancing With the Stars & calling to vote for Kris.
Kris did a great job, especially on the 1st song. Now we wait until tonight to see who the winner is!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tonight's The Night . . .

I'll be watching the finals tonight to see
all the action & entertainment!
I'm pulling for the 'All American' boy, Kris Allen!

Good luck Kris!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Slow Progress . . .

After 22 consecutive days of rain we were
graced by sunny, amazing, weather
on Saturday & Sunday!

We were able to put mulch around most of our
geraniums before we realized we
needed one more bag.

Our garden spot was still too wet to
till again & plant veggies.

Here are all the veggie plants
waiting to be planted.

We found this adorable pot of four sunflower
plants to plant along the brick wall.

We're hoping to get the garden finished
when Bob gets home from work today.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Praise . . .

Shout to the Lord, all the earth;
break out in praise and sing for joy!
Psalm 98:4

Birds sing, tree branches dance in the wind, and God gave you a voice to sing praise to Him. Maybe you don't feel your voice warrants a microphone and stage, but to God's ears, there is no lovelier sound. It ushers you into His presence.

Your praise doesn't need to be limited to singing either. Shout to the Lord with thanksgiving. Praise Him for the wondrous works of His hands in your life. Dance and jump and clap and, on occasion, sit quietly and worshipfully in His presence.

God is eager to receive your praise, no matter how you choose to give it. Like a loving father glowing in the warmth of his children's adulation. God cherishes the praises of His children.

There is nothing that pleases God so much as praise.

Author Unknown

Taken from. . .God's Daily Answer

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mix, Bake, Freeze . . .

Friday afternoon Kari & Ethan came over for a cookie baking marathon. We decided on 4 different cookie recipes, chocolate chip, snickerdoodles, oatmeal, & peanut butter. Kari was in charge of the mixer & blended butter, sugars, eggs, & vanilla, while I measured the dried ingredients.

We only baked one dozen of each type of cookie so each of us would have two dozen to take home. The remaining dough was frozen for future baking.

I formed the dough into a long slender log on wax paper.

Each piece was labeled with a sharpie pen, then wrapped in plastic wrap.

Each roll was placed in the freezer. We ended up with 11 log rolls. Kari took home 7 & I kept 4. Now when the urge strikes to bake cookies we can make our choice, cut off how many we want to bake, wait for the dough to thaw, & then just pop it in the oven. Now instead of baking a big batch we will have less cookies to tempt us.
This entire process only took us a little over two hours to complete.
We had such a good time doing this we're already planning another cooking marathon of some kind sometime soon!

Here's our little future 'Cookie Monster'.
Since Ethan can't eat cookies yet he just sucked on his fingers while we were mixing & baking. He was such a good boy.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Celebrate A Job Well Done . . .

My friend & former co-worker, Belva, is
retiring after 38 years of teaching!

I attended her retirement party Wednesday afternoon.

Look at her!
Can you tell she's happy to be retiring?
She's ready to celebrate a job well done!!!
Congratulations, Belva!
You're going to love retirement!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Pay It Forward Challenge . . .

Last week Brittany @
hosted a Pay It Forward challenge on her blog.
The idea behind this challenge is that you will “pay it forward” by sending three homemade gifts to other bloggers.
They, in turn, agree to host the challenge on their blogs and “pay it forward” to at least three other bloggers.
The cycle continues and the love is spread throughout the blogosphere. The only kicker?
You have 365 days to send your package.
Brittany chose me to be a part of her Pay it Forward challenge!
So now I, in turn, am hosting a Pay It Forward challenge on my blog. Here’s how it works:
if you would like to participate, comment on this post.
I’ll draw three names and will send you something handmade.
I've got some ideas floating around in my head about
what I'm going to create.
Remember, I have 365 days to send it to you,
but I promise it won't be that long.
Don’t forget that if you are chosen, you are agreeing to host
the challenge on your blog and reciprocate
to three other bloggers.
Don’t enter if you aren’t willing to do that step.
I’ll announce the winners next week.

By the way, go over to Brittany's blog for a visit. She's the sweetest girl, a newlywed, & posts yummy recipes. Tell her I sent you!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

W.W.W. ? ? ?

Who Will Win
American Idol
? ? ?

I'd like to see Kris win. First of all he's from Arkansas, our neighboring state to the east. Second, he's cute & adorable. He looks like the 'All American' boy next door. Third, he has a pure singing voice, no pitch problems, & he can play the piano & guitar, which shows he's multi talented.

I like Danny Gokey a lot. He's my second choice. He voice is powerful & he sings with emotion. I admire him for carrying on with life & his dreams after his wife died not long before he auditioned for the show.

I admit Adam is a fantastic showman & singer, but he is my third choice. He's not my type of guy. Sorry, but his look & singing style don't float my boat. I probably say this because I'm an old fashioned girl, after all I'm heading toward 60 in a few years. After saying all this about Adam I think he may win the whole enchilada because he's so different.

It will be interesting to see the show tonight
& find out who made the finals!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ready & Waiting . . .

We're ready & waiting for our little friends to visit.

We put out these two feeders every year.
We really enjoy watching the Hummingbirds buzz around.

Wouldn't it be fun to feed these amazing little birds from your hand?
We never have this many at our feeders.
Maybe this will be the summer we have many visitors.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday Updates . . .

Saturday & Sunday were busy days!
If you read my Saturday post you know I had
big ambitious plans for yard work projects.
When we were leaving Sam's it
started raining a little.
Bob says it looked like we wouldn't
be able to do our yard work.
Wouldn't you know it, the rained stopped
& we were able to get our geraniums planted.
We found geraniums on clearance at Lowe's for 79 cents.
They were a little scrawny, but Sunday we noticed they
had grown quite a bit in 24 hours!

Bob even had time to trim our bushes.
It was too wet to work in the garden.

Sunday morning we attended baby dedication at Bobby & Kari's church. There were over 20 families dedicating their children to the Lord. Ethan slept through the entire service.

If you click on the picture you may be able to see the proud parents standing with the pastor.

Ethan is still asleep when it's time to go home!

Bobby, Kari, & Ethan came over for Sunday dinner
after they went home to feed Ethan.

Time to go visit Kari's family & he's sleeping again!
Sunday was truly a day of rest for Ethan.
So sweet!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day Memories . . .

I have special memories of Mother's Day while I was growing up.
On Mother's Day morning before church my
Daddy would go outside to cut a red rose for each of us to wear.
A red rose meant your Mother was still alive.
I think this tradition faded away about 30 years ago.

A white rose meant your mother had passed away.
I remember seeing the people at church wearing a white rose or beautiful white carnation corsage and thinking how sad it must be to not have your Mother with you to celebrate the day.

My dear, sweet Mother, Helen, passed away 11 years ago one month before Mother's Day. That first Mother's Day without her was very difficult. All of the holidays were difficult that first year.

I cherish the memories of Mother. Her love, kindness, beautiful singing voice, & generous heart are a legacy of love to her family. She loved the Lord. I find sweet comfort in knowing that I will see her again in heaven. I thank God for my wonderful mother.

Mothers hold their children's

hands for a short while,

but their hearts forever.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Saturday's Schedule . . .

Ambitious Schedule . . .

(Some of these activities are subject to change if rain occurs!)
#1 8:30 Breakfast with a dear friend. . .
#2 9:30 Buy cards at Dollar Tree. . .
#3 10:00 Sam's shopping spree. . .
#4 11:00 Shopping for plants
geraniums,garden seeds & veggie plants. . .
#5 12:00 Prepare flowerbeds for geraniums,
tear out pansies & tulips. . .
#6 1:00 Grab a quick bite of lunch & rest. . .
#7 2:00 Plant geraniums. . .
#8 3:00 Work on garden. . .
#9 4:00 Get ready to babysit Ethan. . .
#10 5:30 Babysit Ethan. . .
Hey, if we get #5,7,& 8 accomplished it will be a real miracle!!! Hubby won't know about my ambitious plans until he reads this schedule early this morning!!! LOL ;-)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Weekend Wishes . . .

Wishing you
a fabulous Friday . . .

and a
wonderful weekend . . .

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Back By Popular Demand . . .

After days of anticipation the sun finally made an appearance Wednesday afternoon!

Hello sunshine ! ! !

It was so nice to see the sun shining on our yard!
Definitely needed mowing.
Thanks a bunch Bobby for mowing the lawn before darkness set in!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Smiley Face . . .

I don't need this smiley face. . .

because I have my own real life, lovable . . .

Mr. Cool Dude, smiley face . . .
I don't even need the sun to shine,
this sunny face is enough to brighten my day!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

No Sunshine . . .

Monday was another cloudy day! I should have been out in the yard pulling weeds in the flowerbeds, but it was too wet. I'm ready for some sunshine. It rained again Monday evening. More rain today! UGH!

Since I couldn't work outside I got busy changing the sheets,vacuuming the down stairs, and also damp mopped the hardwood floors.

I wish I could tell you that I looked cheerful & perky like this chick, but I can't. Saturday night when we were leaving Bobby & Kari's house I fell in the driveway after tripping on a crack in the sidewalk. I skinned my left knee pretty bad! I know, what a klutz! I rested most of the day Sunday, even though I managed to do some laundry. My knee is bruised, scabbed, & swollen. Anyway, I decided that I'd better do a little activity Monday to try to work out the kinks. The treadmill was out of the question so I limped around with the vacuum & mop. I did finish the job!

This is how I felt after I finished, POOPED! I know, poor, pitiful me!

I agree with Maxine!

Today I have more cleaning jobs to tackle. Onward and upward!

Have a terrific Tuesday!
I hope the sun is shining where you live!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Back To Basics Cleaning #2 . . .

Last Monday I shared some basic cleaning tips from the magazine, 'Real Simple', using lemons, salt, and ketchup.
Here are 3 more household products that
can be used for basic cleaning in your home.

This acidic wonder can wipe out tarnish, soap scum, mineral deposits, and more. Among natural cleaners, it's the clear champ.
Distilled white vinegar creates an environment that
inhibits the growth of mold, mildew, and some bacteria,
such as E. coli and salmonella.
COFFEEMAKER: Pour equal parts vinegar and water into the machine's water chamber, then switch on the brew cycle. Halfway through, turn off the coffeemaker and let the solution sit for about an hour. Turn it on again to complete the cycle, then run several cycles with clean water.
DISHWASHER: To disinfect the interior of the machine, pour 1/2 cup vinegar into the the reservoir and run an empty cycle.
DRAINS: Clean drains and the pipes they're attached to by pouring vinegar down them. After 30 minutes, flush with cold water.
GLASSWARE: For spotless hand-washed glasses, add 1 cup vinegar to the rinse water.
STEAM IRON: To get rid of mineral deposits, fill the iron with equal parts vinegar and water; press the steam button. Turn off, let cool, empty, and rinse.


The combination of a mild abrasive, a surfactant, and an antibacterial agent makes toothpaste a potent stain fighter. Stick with standard paste, not gel, and steer clear of formulas designed for tartar control and whitening.


CHROME FIXTURES: To polish faucets and taps in the kitchen or bathroom, smear a dime size amount of toothpaste onto the, then buff with a soft cloth until they shine.

TARNISHED SILVERWARE: Put a dab of toothpaste on a soft cloth, rub it onto the tarnish, then rinse with water and dry with a clean cloth.

STEAM IRON: Mineral deposits can stain an iron's sole plate. Apply a dab of toothpaste and work i into the plate. Use a clean cloth to remove reside.

Did you know baking soda was used to clean
the Statue of Liberty on its centennial?

CAN OPENER: Dip a toothbrush in a paste of 2 tablespoons baking soda and 1 teaspoon water and use it to dislodge gunk.

STAINED TEACUPS AND COFFEE MUGS: Fill with 1 part baking soda and 2 parts water and soak overnight; rub with a sponge and rinse.

UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE: To remove odors, sprinkle baking soda on the fabric, then vacuum.

Happy cleaning everyone!