Tuesday, April 7, 2009

News Flash . . . Rabbits Finally Emerge . . .

Breaking News!
After weeks of hiding from a
spring snow storm, freeze warnings,
and 40 mile an hour winds,
the rabbits and bunnies
finally made an appearance
at our house.

Remember Mr. Bosley Reed?
He was the brave leader who urged his friends & family members to
come out of their warm, cozy hiding places.

This little friend & her dog were among the first to appear.

This proper old gent was the next to take his place in the kitchen window.

This little guy showed up in the old blue cabinet.

Another family member brought some Easter eggs.

"Welcome Everybunny"!

Last, but not least is the littlest member of the family.

Hippity, hoppity Easter's on its way!


  1. Morning Carol! Happy Easter. Your home looks adorable.

    Can you believe this weather? The wind!! It's 24 this morning. Argh.

  2. Hope cute. Loved the comentary about what each rabbit was doing.
    I am ready for sping too
    Love you

  3. I just LOVE the white and green pitcher and green cabbage the best! Green is my favorite color. Great collection!

  4. Such cute Spring decorations. I love the picture on your blog header. Just beautiful!

  5. With my new Hawaiian living room, I don't know how to incorporate bunnies!!

    At Long Beach City College which is about two miles away, they have bunnies all over the campus. Cute little ones too!!

  6. Cute, cute, cute! Love those rabbits!
    Happy spring!

  7. how very cute.you're in the mood now,weather or not...Ann

  8. Oh Carol this is all adorable girl..its going to snow here again tonight after 5 days of beautiful spring time weather Yuck!! hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  9. My what nice and generous bunnies you have!! :-) Cute!!

  10. I'm late getting here, but I'm so glad I came over to see all of this Easter decor. Everything looks so pretty, and your story about them was so cute. laurie

  11. I love all your Easter decorations.
    Can you believe the weather this year?
    I swear....a couple of nights ago it got down into the 20's and yesterday when I went to lunch my car said it was 80 degrees!

    Thanks for sharing the pictures with us.
