Wednesday, April 8, 2009

In Your Easter Bonnet . . .

I've always loved musical movies.
One of my favorite things to do when I was a
teenager was to check out albums from the public library for all the
classic musicals like South Pacific & learn all the songs.
Easter Parade was one of the musicals they didn't have,
but I've always loved the movie, Judy Garland was great!

Fred Astaire was a wonderful dancer, not the most handsome dude
in the world, but I still like to watch his movies!

Here's a little info about the New York City Easter Parade . . .

NYC Easter Parade - Fashion Meets Fantasy
"In your Easter bonnet, with all the frills upon it,
You'll be the grandest lady in the Easter parade!"

Irvine Berlin memorialized the event in the 1948 musical with Fred Astaire, Judy Garland, Peter Lawford and Ann Miller, but the New York Easter Parade tradition goes back to a much earlier time.

The Easter Parade is a New York tradition that dates back to the middle of the 1800s. The social elite would attend services at one of the 5th Avenue churches and parade their new fashions down the Avenue afterwards.
The less well to do would come to see what the latest trends were. Many handy seamstresses found inspiration for their client's wardrobes at the parade. It was a combination of religious services and haute couture in the days before TV, when only the wealthiest New Yorkers could attend the hottest Paris fashion shows.
While there is still some fashion involved in the spectacle, the modern version tends to be more fantastic. Live birds nest in bonnets of real flowers
and pets are dressed in the latest 5th Avenue doggy wear. The flamboyant headgear and costumes are paraded down the Avenue to the delight of onlookers. You don't need a special outfit to join in the fun. Anyone can step out and stroll down the Avenue.


  1. I love musicals...Older or more modern...doesn't matter! I too remember checking out the albums at the library!

  2. I didn't like musicals when I was younger but now I appreciate the old movies more and more.

  3. This is so interesting! I have not heard of this movie but I really like Judy Garland. I will have to try and find it and watch it. Thanks for the info on the Easter Parade too. God bless you! Elena

  4. I posted about the Easter Parade too!!! We are two Grandma's that like the same things!!

  5. I love musicals too, and those old ones were amazing! Thanks for this interesting info about the Easter parade. I learned a lot. Have a wonderful trip to the wedding. laurie

  6. I love the old movies, especially Judy Garland. I hope you are safe from the tornadoes and especially those terrible fires. Kathi

  7. This was so interesting about the Easter parade in NYN! I LOVE all the musicals! I could watch them back to back for hours! :-)
    Just wanted to stop by and tell you I'm a fan of your blog and hope you'll stop by and pick up your Fan Award!!
    Have a beautiful and blessed Easter! :-) Laura
