Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday Show & Tell . . .

It's been quite some time since I've
done a 'Friday Show & Tell'.
My mother & daddy owned a shoe store for many years.
One of the shoe lines they carried for children was
Buster Brown.

This clock was on display
in the children's department.
I cross stitched this picture for
Daddy as a Father's Day
gift in 1986.

Have a fabulous Friday!


  1. I remember Buster Brown shoes. They were suppose to be very durable I think.

    Love your new header picture. It reminds me of Callaway Gardens in GA.

  2. Ahhh... I remember a clock just like that in our store that carried Buster Brown shoes. My parents always made sure we had the best shoes. Therefore.. I still love shoes today. I managed shoes stores for almost 8 years. My husband just can't understand my thing about shoes. LOL
    Hugs, Terrie

  3. That cross stitch is wonderful! I had buster brown shoes as a kid....

  4. What a treasure this clock is--Buster Brown...I'd forgotten about Buster Brown shoes:)

    Your needlework art is very cool!

    Happy S&TF!

    Linda C

  5. That brings back memories. I remember those B.B. Shoes.

  6. So sweet. I remember getting Buster Brown shoes when I was a child.

  7. Oh my goodness--haven't thought about Buster Brown shoes in YEARS!!!

    We had a department store here in Collinsville that sold that brand & I always LOVED the ads..

    Thanks for the trip to memory lane.

  8. Oh, I had Buster Brown shoes, and I always gave my son, what I called, a Buster Brown haircut! I LOVE that clock. How wonderful that you still have it, and how great that you cross stiched the Buster Brown for your Daddy. This is just such a nostalgic and lovely display, and I loved seeing Buster again. laurie

  9. Buster Brown---a blast from my past! Love the pictures!
