Thursday, April 16, 2009

April Showers . . .

Bring May flowers . . .

Even though today is a beautiful sun shiny day I thought of this
little saying I learned when I was a little girl.

I also thought about one of my favorite movies . . .

What a classic! ! ! Gene Kelly could dance
the soles right off his shoes! ! !
Enjoy the song!


  1. I've actually never seen that movie. I'm going to have to watch it now. :)

  2. Hi Carol:
    We had April "snow" showers for the last 2 days. I heard it is supposed to warm up next week. I will believe it when I see it. lol.

  3. A classic. We had a bright sunshiny day, but cool winds.

  4. One of my absolute favorite movies of all time! I'll watch Gene Kelly dance in anything, anytime - but this movie is his best. The whole cast is wonderful, such a happy message, so hilarious at times . . . and incredible dancing. When Gene is out there dancing on that wonderful old street in the pouring rain - pure joy!! Thanks for the reminder, I need to get out my DVD and watch this again.
