Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Nana's 1st Babysitting Gig . . .

Monday I took care of Ethan while Kari & her sister, Kim, were doing some errands. It's been so long since I've taken care of an infant all by myself. I have to admit I was a little nervous. The girls were only gone for about an hour. He slept most of the time, but did wake up hungry. I was able to warm a bottle, feed & burp him all by myself! Nerves were gone. Babysitting is kind of like riding a bike. Even though you haven't done it for a while it comes back to you quickly!


  1. What a beautiful baby! Aren't they just a joy? I hope you have many treasured moments with this little sweetheart ♥

  2. Oh, I just want to hold him and squeeze him. He is so cute.Lucky you.


  3. I'll bet your house will be one of his very favorite places to go to.

    What a love!

  4. Oh my gosh!
    I don't think that I would be able to put that cutie pie down the whole time I had him!
    You are such a lucky girl!

  5. Hi Carol...I feel your newfound joy in loving that sweet baby!
    ;-) Bo

  6. He is such a precious bundle!! I bet you will be babysitting more and more....!

  7. Oh what a joy! There's nothing better than taking care of a baby. The world just seems to fade away and you can get lost in the sweetness of holding that new little life. I miss those days! Enjoy!!

  8. ahhh...such a cutie! He is just the most adorable baby. Enjoy your special time with this adorable one. Amy :)

  9. I am sure this is a day you will remember forever! Having the baby all to yourself!

  10. How cute!
    I would be the same way Carol. It's been so long since I've even held a newborn. How nice that Kari has you close by to help out.
    I know she appreciates you very much.

  11. That's so wonderful! I bet you were so happy to spend time with your new grandson!

  12. Awwwww, so adorable!!!!!!!


  13. What a sweet little one, congratulations!! :o)
