Monday, March 9, 2009

Catching Up . . .

I'm hoping to catch up this week visiting every one's blog & finding out what you've been up to. I've missed you! I have enjoyed reading your comments about Ethan. Thank you so much!

I have been having the time of my life being a Nana to Ethan. He is changing each day. I could have never imagined the love I would feel for this child! All you grandmas & grandpas know what I'm talking about. I love my husband & son beyond measure, but loving Ethan is almost indescribable! What a miracle he is!

Have a marvelous Monday friends!


  1. Carol, Ethan is so blessed to have you for a grandmother.

    You are so dear.


  2. GM Carol...your new grand boy is just darling..and yes you are so right you have to be a grand parent to understand the feeling..Glad he is doing better..Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  3. I hope you share more Ethan photos! Today my nephew was born so I can't wait to meet him!

  4. That first grandbaby is so special and always will be. That love has room for many more grandbabys you will see.

  5. I actually TOLD people (before my first grandchild was born) that I wasn't going to be one of those silly grandmothers who bragged all of the time and couldn't stand to be away from their grandchild! Boy, I have eatn those words a LOT! There is nothing better than being a grandmother! Enjoy it. laurie (you won't believe this, my verification word is "grand"!!

  6. Hi's been 13 years since my one & only grandchild was born and I still feel just like you do now...What joy they give us!
    ;-) Bo
