Thursday, February 26, 2009

More Pictures & Updates . . .

Hello everyone. I have a prayer request for Ethan. Yesterday after he was taken to the nursery for post birth health checks they noticed he was having a little bit of a problem breathing. He is not critical, but as a precaution he was placed in the NICU. Of course Bobby & Kari were worried about this & disappointed he couldn't stay in the room with them. He was on oxygen for only a few hours because the level was 30, normal is around 21. Last night when Bobby & I went in around 10:00 to spend a little time with him he was no longer on oxygen. Praise the Lord! His white blood count was 30, 10-20 is normal. This indicates he might have an infection so he is on an antibiotic. He is being fed a combination of formula & breast milk through a tube. He is supposed to go home on Friday. Thank you for praying for our sweet little man & his Mommy & Daddy.

Now, here are a few more pictures that were taken just a few minutes after Ethan was born.

Ethan's first moments with Kari.

Now a family of three!

Papaw Bob is talking to Ethan for the first time.

Here I am holding Ethan for the first time while
Kari's mom looks on.


  1. I will pray for little Ethan! Nice to see your family photos - I know this is a joyous occassion!!

  2. Congrats to all the family. I will keep Ethan in my prayers.

  3. Kari's face just looks like pure joy.So happy Ethan is better.

  4. Our prayers on with you and the family. From one grandma to another.

  5. Hi Carol, I'm sure y'all spent some tense hours while Baby Ethan was in NICU...thanks for the update & his sweet name will be in my prayers. I see some mighty proud folks in your photos, including you Nana! ...;-) Bo

  6. AWWWW! That picture of you holding him is just precious. The love just radiates from the picture! I will certainly keep Ethan in my prayers. What a beautiful family. laurie

  7. He is so beautiful and these are wonderful photographs of your new little sweetie. I will keep Ethan in my prayers that he will be able to come home on Friday.

  8. What sweet pictures. Kari is just glowing! I will be praying for continued healing for Ethan. Love and prayers, Elena

  9. Hi Carol:
    It looks like he has blonde hair, in the first picture. I hope he is breathing better today. Sometimes I think it just takes a couple of days to get the kinks out. When our grandson was born last year, he kept failing the hearing test they give them. finally after 4 or 5 tests he passed...scared us.
    Great pictures of all of you enjoying baby Ethan.

  10. You, baby and parents will all be in my prayers. He's a big baby, so he has that going for him. Sometimes it's a little bumpy to get started in life. One of my grand daughters took forever to be born, then wouldn't start breathing , we were having a meltdown. They coded her and a team ran in the room, didn't even tell us to leave. They just went to Katie and started working on her.The doctors were so calm, I just wanted to scream hurry up. But, they knew what they were doing, one said it was an every day occurance. Might be, but I don't ever want to witness that again. Keep us inform and we will be praying they all come home soon.


  11. Carol~I'm sure everything will be fine with Ethan...but I will add him to my prayers!
    Kari looks amazing for just giving birth!
    What a wonderful family!

  12. Carol, Yes, sending prayers. He is beautiful!! So happy for all of you.

    Hugs, Barb

  13. I will keep Ethan in my prayers.
    Very sweet pictures. Thanks for taking time to share with us.
    He's so precious!

  14. Carol, Just to let you know that we are praying for little Ethan. I am sure he will be ok. You have a beautiful family.
