Friday, February 27, 2009

Improving . . .

Thank you so much for your well wishes & prayers. Ethan continues to improve. The feeding tube is out & he's being fed with the bottle. He is maintaining his own body temperature & is no longer under the warmer.

These pictures were taken Thursday evening.

He has changed so much in just one day.

Kari will go home today, but Ethan will stay a few more days. They're waiting on some test results. Hopefully he'll be going home soon. Please continue to pray for our sweet baby.


  1. He is beautiful Carol! I will continue to pray for his health and that he's home soon!

  2. Hi Carol...I know it must be hard for Kari & Bobby to go home without their little man...but it hopefully won't be long until he joins them...He looks so alert in the last photo! ;-) Bo

  3. Carol, he is so pretty and I know you can't wait to get him home to cuddle him.


  4. He is a beautiful little boy! That is good news that he is improving. I will continue to pray for him and you all!

  5. AWWWW Carol! He is so precious! He sure looks healthy. I'm praying for him. laurie

  6. What an adorable baby! I hope he gets to go home soon!

  7. What a gorgeous little one! Hope he gets strong soon :)

  8. Hey girl...I pray that the little dumpling gets stronger by the minute..I know it must be so hard on the parents leaving the hospital without the baby but it will all be alright in the end...blessings to you & yours girl.

  9. He is a cutie pie. Hope he goes home soon. Hope Kari and Bobby are resting up.

  10. So thankful that Ethan is improving! He is a beautiful little boy!

    I hope he gets to come home very soon!

  11. I'm continuing to lift little Ethan up in my prayers.
    He is such a cutie! I'm praying he get to go home very soon.
    P.S. "Wicked" is going to be at the Tulsa Performing Arts. ???? You had asked me where it would be and I had no clue. I'm still not sure what date I'll be coming, but that's where it is. It'll run from mid-July until Aug. 9, I believe.

  12. What a precious little boy! Must be very hard on Mommy and Daddy not to be able to take him home just yet! I will be praying for them, too!

  13. He is so beautiful!

    I'm glad he is doing better Carol. :)

  14. He is so precious! I am so happy he is doing better. It is so scary when those little ones have problems! We have a new grandbaby this week too! Congratulations!
