Thursday, January 22, 2009

Winter Sunshine . . .

I received this award the other day from Patsy at
Thanks so much Patsy for being a great blog friend!
I enjoy reading your comments each day!

Thanks to all the friends who stopped by on Wednesday & gave me some ideas for Grandpa & Grandma names! I'll let you know what we decide soon!

Yesterday I ventured out to do a little shopping therapy at Dollar Tree. What a gorgeous day! Not a cloud in the sky. Temperature mid 50s.

Later on, around 5:45 I noticed how comforting & warm the sunshine was streaming into the house. I snapped these pictures.

Arched window . . .

Corner in the dining room . . .
The clock is broken, the time is
actually 5:50 . . .

Kitchen table . . .

Kitchen window . . .

The days are getting longer . . .

Each day we gain 2 minutes of daylight . . .

Spring will begin in about 2 months . . .

I love the sunshine, but . . .

I still long to see a beautiful snow . . .


  1. Carol I can't wait until spring time...I want to see my flowers in bloom again..and all the birds singing their beautifuls songs..hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  2. Thank you very much for the sweet words of encouragement blogger friend. Your winter sunshine gives a comfort to the meaning of home.
    Hugs, Patsy

  3. warming post, you can feel the sunshine lol , when the sun starts to shine in it makes us think of spring & as quickly as we thought it we're right back in front of the heater lol, thanks for visiting me on Blue Monday

  4. It was beautiful yesterday..supposed to be even warmer today. Time to open windows for a little while. :)

  5. Oh I love the arched window. At first I thought that was something hanging on your wall.

    I know what you mean about the snow, I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

  6. HI Carol!
    I really enjoyed your sunlight pictures! They were so relaxing!
    Dollar Store Therapy (DST) works wonders doesn't it!! LOL
    Have a gret day!

  7. There is Sun Shine in my soul today! I plan to get out and walk in the beautiful sunshine in just a few min. Love your pics of your house. Makes me think I had morning coffee with you! Ha
    Love you

  8. I love the sunshining into the windows. Great pictures! I noticed on your profile you are from Oklahoma. I have many ties to Oklahoma. My dad was born there and so were my in-laws. My husband's folks go to Oklahoma for a month every year visiting family and friends.

  9. Hi Carol...pretty photos! I love to have the sun shining into the house in the winter. The cats love it, too! But...we still have not had one snowflake!! I need at least a dusting of snow before Spring! Have a great day...Debbie

  10. Your pictures of the sunshine are so artistic and pretty. Congratulations on the award. laurie

  11. Ahh yes glorious sunshine. Luckily I have some today and some warmer temps.

  12. Carol, those are great pictures! I love your blog header. I love snow! (not to drive in it, though).

    Thanks for entering my give away!
