Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Name Game . . .

I need your help . . .
Bob & I are trying to decide what
Grandpa & Grandma names
we want to use.
I'd love to hear some suggestions
from all my friends in blogland.
I just know you have great
name ideas to share.
By the way, Kari's Mom has chosen
the name Grammy, so that name
is already taken.
Thanks in advance for your input!
Terri at
is celebrating her 400th post
with a great giveaway!
Go visit her blog to get your
name in the hat!
Tell her that I sent you over!!!


  1. We are Nana and PaPA to our grands.


  2. I had to smile when I read this...
    My mom was always GRANDMOTHER to both my kids. When our first grandbaby came along, I was going to be GRANDMOTHER, too. Well, I worked and worked with him to say it but it must have been too hard for him. Finally, one evening after taking him out of the tub, I was drying him off saying, "Say GRAND..MOTHER" and he said "MEMAW" just as plain as day. I was so dang thrilled to hear him call me something that it has been MEMAW with all 10 of our grandchildren....and I wouldn't have it any other way!!
    Congratulations to all of you and happiness always....

  3. will since you love to eat at Abuelas... I found out that Abuela means grandmother in spanish. Ha Maybe not!

    CoCo or CiCi is my vote for you

    Bapa for Bob

  4. Congratulations on the arrival of your beautiful little grandson!

  5. Yes, let me add my congratulations as well! What a thrill.

  6. I just became a grandmother for the first time 20 months ago and was in the same quandry. Since my name begins with "C," as does YOURS, I also think Cee Cee/Ci Ci would fit the bill.

  7. I like MeMaw and PawPaw. It's a Southern thing, I think!

  8. Morning girl...congrats on that precious Nathan!!!! We are Maw Maw & Papa down here but trust me...whatever that sweet dumpling calls you it will be music to your ears! lol Have a great week sweetie!

  9. We are memaw and popye to our grandchildren. Now that they are all in there 20's I told them they could just call me grandmother. My 27 year old still calls me memaw.
    I dont care what they call me just so they call now.

  10. How fun that you are at this point where you're decided what you'll be called! I am getting excited for the day I get to be grammy, but it is still 3-5 years away. I'm sorry, I don't have any suggestions, but kind of like Nana and Papa or what about just grandma and grandpa?

    You are blessed!

    xox Sharon

  11. Our grands call both sets of grandparents grandma & grandpa so we are Grandma Rhondi & Grandpa John. We like that.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  12. my beloved grandfather was "Papa" to me, so I'm especially partial to that name. And my husband's parents are hispanic so I'm used to hearing Abuela for grandmother.Let us know what you decide!!

  13. Hi Carol...I just use's what I called my grandmother. What did you call yours? Just the name has nice memories attached to it for me. What a wonderful dilemma!!...Debbie

  14. Hi Carol, congrats is in order here! Well, what to call you...hmmmm....I don't know, sometimes...I think it's better to let the kids decide. What ever you choose will be GRAND! Nancy

  15. Hi Carol:
    I don't have any cute granddaughters call me "Grandma" in person, and when I talk to them on the phone or sign a card for them, I put Grandma Ginger. My 10 mo. old grandson doesn't say anything yet but his parents will refer to me as Grandma. So I guess I am just plain old grandma to everyone. lol.
    My daughter used to call my mom Gamma, and my dad was Backo...don't ask me how she came up with that, but she did on her own.

  16. Hi, I wanted the honor of being called grandma. I'm grandma G or grammy G. It's funny because when our little grandson signs cards he will write Ryan G instead of his full last name. I feel so connected :>)

  17. We are Grandma and Papa to ours, which is the sweetest sound our ears hear. My girlfriend is called Meme and PawPaw, and we have another family that use Memaw and another family that use Mawmaw and Papa.. He is one beautiful baby. Congratulations..hugs ~lynne~

  18. We are Gigi and Papa. It won't matter what they end up calling you, you'll love your new name! Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, they come up with their own name for you, and it's wonderful! laurie

  19. Girl my grand kids always called me Granny girl and still do...but trust me no matter what he'll call will love it..hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  20. I have passed a very sweet award to you! :)

  21. It took my parents ages to decide that they wanted to be called Nana and Opa.. But.. I wish that they were just grandma and grandpa.. Other names are cute but it rolls off the tongue better when using the learned English word.

  22. I had a Granny and parents are Nana & Papa to my kids.
    This is all very exciting for you!
