Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday Show & Tell ~ Snow . . .

Yesterday morning I was so excited to see snowflakes falling. The temperature was 10 degrees, the wind was blowing snow around like the inside of a snow globe. When you people who live in snowy regions of North America see the picture below you have to promise not to laugh too loud! Okay, scroll down . . .

As you can see the accumulation is pathetic!
You didn't laugh did you?
I've still got my fingers crossed
for a snow storm before spring arrives!
A big thank you to those who gave suggestions
for my new bunny's name!
All your ideas were great! I combined two names.

suggested Mr. Reed.
suggested Bosley.
So his name is . . .
Mr. Bosley Reed

I got busy yesterday working on projects for the shower decorations.

I found these white frames at
Target, 3 for $2.50.
I added paper & stickers from Hobby Lobby.

Here's another Target frame with glass on both sides.
I used the old wallpaper & added Ethan's name with stickers.
I added a little note on the back so he would know
the history of the wallpaper.

I covered this box from Hobby Lobby with more wallpaper.
I LOVE Mod Podge!!!

Wow, is it Friday already?!?
I've got to get busy!!!


  1. I ♥ your shower decorations!! :)

  2. I love the name for bunny.And hope you get snow. The shower is just going to be so wonderful your decorations are just lovely.

  3. Those ideas you have for the shower is so filled with good memories. I've never been to any shower that has the mementos you are going to have.


  4. We were just blanketed in snow like that too. :) It's so darn cold it's making me grumpy. Your shower is going to be awesome. Have a wonderful time!!

  5. I love the name for your little bunny and I think the shower decorations are adorable. You are so creative!

    Yay, you got a little snow!!
    There were the smallest little flakes coming down when I went to work yesterday, but they didn't stick at all here.

    Check my blog....I tagged you.

    Have a great weekend, Carol!

  6. Love the bunny name!

    I am not laughing at your snow. We had just about the same amount as you saw on my post yesterday.

    This shower is going to be one of the most prepared for showers of all time. Your work is great! I am sure it will be very appreciated!

  7. I love everything you made for the shower. You are very talented.
    Ethan is going to be a very lucky little boy to have you as his Grandmother. Have you decided what you want to be called? Granny? I love my name Mooms and can't wait to actually hear Elise say it when she figures out how to say her M's
    Love and stay warm

  8. GM Carol I love what you are doing for the shower..and girl I did laugh about your I live in Sunny Calif and I get a full last laying on the beach for me here..hugs and smiles Gloria

  9. What cute uses for the wallpaper. What wonderful keepsakes. laurie

  10. cute stuff!!! I wish I could get excited about a trace of snow...

  11. I like the name you picked out for your bunny.

  12. Hope you have a beautiful weekend! ♥ Hugs!
