Saturday, January 17, 2009

Please Pray . . .

Prayers are needed for a sweet baby girl that was born last night in Arkansas. Read about Harper & her mommy, Kelly, & daddy, Scott here ~ I have been reading Kelly's blog for quite sometime & have enjoyed reading about her joy & excitement during her pregnancy. Please join me in praying that God will give comfort, reassurance, & healing.

I've been tagged by Valerie at Even though Valerie & I have never met face to face I feel blessed to have her as a friend. Valerie, you are an inspiration to me. I hope someday we can meet in person.

Here's the deal:
1) Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer.
2) Select the 4th picture in the folder.
3) Explain the picture.
4) Tag 4 people to do the same.

I had no idea what would be the 4th picture in my 4th folder.

Here it is . . .

This is a picture of my niece, Kara's, engagement ring. She got married in June just a few weeks after graduating from college.

The 4 people I'm tagging are . . .

Patsy at
Laurie at
Shelley at
April at

I'm so excited about the baby shower tomorrow! I'll share pictures with you on Monday.


  1. This is fun, I found the Photo Meme on Heather C's blog. It's fun looking at the pictures.

    I was just like you, had no idea, and I posted mine here:

    Lovingly and praying,

  2. My heart breaks for Kelly & Scott.
    I've not commented very often on Kelly's blog, but always keep up with it. I read her blog back when she was just trying to get pregnant. God bless that sweet baby and may He keep Kelly, Scott and their family in His tender arms.

    Thanks for doing the tag. I thought it was fun. I'd love to meet you in person too one of these days. I don't live too far. We'll have to work on that.

    Have a great weekend.

  3. I am joining with you in prayer for Kelly and Scott. I just read her blog....Thank you.

  4. Carol, thank you so much for your sweet, encouraging comment and most of all for your prayers. I love to hear of how God has worked miracles in so many other lives and blessed them abundantly. I am praying for the same thing!

    I'm on my knees too for Scott, Kelly and Harper. God can do ALL things and I am claiming that He will bring complete healing to little Harper's body.

    Hope you have a blessed weekend!

  5. Carol - I pray for that sweet baby!! I'll have to do this photo tag later this week - I think I've been tagged 5 times to do this so I better hurry up - lol!

  6. Carol..Of course prayers are going up. And congrats on the marriage in the family! Havea great weekend...Debbie

  7. I will keep Harper and her family in my prayers.

    Have a blessed weekend!

  8. I was just tagged by Darla for the samething. It is on my blog . Thank's for thinking about me. I will keep the family in my prays

  9. I went over and read Kelly's blog. I hope Harper will be on the way to a speedy recovery soon. So sad to start out with so many problems.

  10. I love your 4/4 picture. It says, "Love".

    Joining you in prayer for Kelly & Scott

  11. I posted my 4th photo. This was fun!
    April :-)
