Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thanksgiving Decorating Part 2. . .

I want to wish my Uncle Jack a very happy birthday today! Here's hoping you have a wonderful day!

Here are a few more photos of Thanksgiving touches around our house.

Amish dolls . . .

Prairie dolls, made by me . . .

Turkey pumpkin by the front door. . .

More turkeys on the entry way table. . .

I still have more decorating to do, I'll show more goodies later in the month.

Thanks for stopping by today, hope you visit again soon!


  1. Sweet. I don't decorate for Thanksgiving..you might inspire me.

  2. Very pretty! Love the turkey pumpkin. How clever. ~Warmly, Melissa

  3. Hi Carol
    Thanks for leaving a comment on my 200th post. I wish I could give a prize to everyone. Your home is looking very festive for Thanksgiving.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  4. I LOVE all your Thanksgiving decorations...they are really CUTE!!!

  5. All very lovely!! Gives me great ideas for decorating our log cabin for Thanksgiving - thank you for sharing! (i saw you on picket fence's blog and had to come visit when I saw that beautiful profile photo!) you have a great blog!
    Come visit me if you get the chance: www.logcabininmichigan.blogspot.com
