Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sorting, Purging, & Organizing. . .

Today's project involves cleaning out & organizing one of my hallway closets. The contents of this closet include decorating items such as candles, baskets, flowers, & etc. This of course is not the first time this closet has been purged in the four years we have lived in this house. Since the holidays are fast approaching I need to take inventory & see what items I will be using for entertaining & decorating. Possibly some things need to be taken to Goodwill.

As you can see, this closet is very cluttered. Anyway, I will post pictures tomorrow of the newly organized closet.

I'm going to make potato soup for dinner tonight. I'll be trying out Stacey's Chunky Potato Soup recipe that she posted last Friday for her recipe exchange.

God bless you today in everything you do!


  1. I have a cabinet just like that! When I open the door things fall out sometimes. I've been going through it trying to rotate some pretties throughout the house. You know, instead of buying more.

    I hope you like the soup. My suggestion would be extra potatoes and spice it up a little. :)

  2. Hi Carol, Your closet looks like a place to shop for new home decor'. :) I'll bet you find things you haven't used in a while that end up looking new again. Great idea! The soup sounds delicious. ~Warmly, Melissa

  3. You just reminded me of a few cupboards I need to organize!

  4. Hey girl...hope you had a good day after all...sometimes in this life it seems like were are dragging a rope with our burdens tied at the other end...God comes along and cuts the rope but we just keep holding on to it...let go of the rope sweetie...things are gonna be ok....thanks for coming by.
