Sunday, November 9, 2008

Five Things. . .

I'm passing this 'Autumn Friends Award' along to Stacey, Melody, & April. Stacey always is a good friend to leave comments on my post & her blog is full of great inspiration. Melody is a new blogging friend that I've met recently. My niece, April, has a cute blog about things for baby. Check them out, you'll be so glad you did!

Thanks Melissa for reminding me to post 5 things I've always wanted to do.
These are not listed in any particular order, here goes!

Be a professional singer like Sandi Patty, LOVE her voice!

Visit Ireland & explore the beautiful countryside.

Landscape the backyard & include an outdoor fireplace.

Tour New England in the Fall in a luxury motor home.

Take an interior decorator class & design spaces for rich clients!
Isn't it fun to dream?!?


  1. Hi Auntie Carol!
    Thank you for the Autumn Friends Award! I enjoyed reading your "Five Things..." post. I especially like #2 and #4, I would like to do that too!

    Love you,
    April :-)

  2. Carol, Thank you very much for this award. I like this one...I'm gonna think about it.

  3. Hi Carol, Great answers! I'm sure they are all possible for you. I like how you attached the photos. Very nice. ~Melissa

  4. It is fun to dream - I'm with you on #4!!

  5. Ooo I want to go with you when you go to Ireland! My husband and I have that on our list of things to do too! What a great idea. Just wanted to pop by and check out your blog. Very cheery! I'm off to check out your recommended blogs! I'll check back again:)

  6. Congratulations on your award! I'd say you have a very do-able list of dreams... ;-) Bo

  7. Carol, thank you so much for the cute award. How sweet of you! :)

    Visiting New England in the fall sounds wonderful. The colors AND the tastes of fall are surely worth every penny.

    Many sweet blessings!
