Saturday, November 8, 2008

Christmas Gift Ideas . . .

I want to thank a new blogging friend, Melissa, for this beautiful friendship award. Melissa is a brand new blogger, pay her a visit @ She has a beautiful home!
Stacey @ got me thinking yesterday about making homemade gifts for Christmas this year. I remembered that I had some books called 'Gifts in a Jar'.

Here's one of the recipes from the soup book.

I also have a muffin & bread book.

Each recipe has 6 cards to cut out & attach to jars. Now all I have to do is decide which jars I want to make! I've always wanted to make these for gifts, but never had the time or energy when I was teaching. Now I can! I'm excited about this project!

Thanks Stacey for sparking the inspiration!


  1. Perfect!! I'm going to begin work this week. Actually put it on the calendar. :)

  2. Carol...we use to sell these books in the country shop I worked in and girl I would read them and copies recipes all day from them..I think thats what I was getting paid for wasn't it?? thanks for coming by...hugs and smiles Gloria

  3. Hi Carol, I was happy to pass on the award to you. It's well deserved! Don't forget to post the question "5 things you want to do" and to pass it to 3 more bloggers. Have fun!
    Hope you're having a great weekend. ~Melissa :)

  4. Hiya Carol...what a timely gift idea this is! Love it! ;-) Bo

  5. Those gifts in a jar and really neat...people will LOVE them!
