Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Summer Chalkboards

It's cloudy, rainy and 79 degrees here in my neck of the woods in NE Oklahoma. 
Unreal weather for July, LOVE it!!!
I decided to do a little summer chalkboard art on my 2 boards this morning.  
Pinterest provided the inspiration.
These and other ideas can be found on my Summertime Pinterest board.


  1. I just love chalkboards! Yours are so cute, Carol.

    Our weather has been wonderful too. Sure makes for an enjoyable summer!

  2. Crazy weather. I'd call your weather preferable to the normal July day you'd have. We are in a rainy slump, too. It's getting old or perhaps I am.

  3. I like the idea. I don't have a chalkboard...yet!

  4. Love your weather!!! Still no official triple digits here in Texas! How about Oklahoma?
