Monday, March 30, 2015

Boston Fern Inspiration

Hello, friends! Happy Monday to you all!
 I have only been doing a blog post on Sundays.  Yes, I've been a blog slacker.  I was inspired this morning to start posting more frequently.
These beautiful ferns on our deck were my inspiration.
They are so green & lush. 
We always hang Boston Ferns on our deck.  It's one of the first signs of spring in our outdoor spaces. 
We found these at Sam's for $12.96.  A good deal in my opinion.

Question, what is one of the first things you add to your outdoor spaces when spring arrives?


  1. Very pretty ferns, they do give a nice welcome to your back deck.
    First thing I typically add to my outdoor space is cushions and pillows to make porch sitting comfy.

  2. The ferns look beautiful. We're so far behind that I don't rightly know what comes first...the snow melting would be good!

  3. HI Carol! Oh, I love these ferns and they do look so pretty hanging off the porch. I have no idea what will be my first springy thing to do yet! Happy Easter.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Hi Carol.
    Beautiful ferns!!
    It's far too cold here to put out ferns, just yet.
    I do want to have ferns on the front porch this summer.
    We have a north facing porch, and I think they will do beautifully :)

    Glad to read that you'll be posting more often :)

    Have a happy day!

