Sunday, December 7, 2014

Words That Inspire

Encouragement . . .

So encourage each other to build each other up,
just as you are already doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11

The root of the word "encouragement' means to 
"put courage into."
What a beautiful picture of one person standing beside another saying,
"Take courage!"
God has given you the ability to be that person to others.
Ask Him to show you those who could use
a kind word,
an uplifting thought,
a simple prayer.
They could be strangers on the street or members of your own family.
Your encouragement may help someone walk when he or she might have stumbled.
You might help someone stand firm instead of giving in.
And encouraging other has yet another benefit~
those around you are strengthened so that they can offer you an encouraging word when you need one.

I want to thank all of you for being an encouragement & inspiration to me.
I am so blessed !!

Wishing each of you a wonderful Sunday . . . 


  1. I did not know that and am glad to know now. C.S. Lewis's "Meanwhile, Courage" is good encouragement and works on many levels. You are a fabulous encourager, Carol. I seldom miss a Words That Inspire.

  2. Great post, Carol!
    Encouragement.. such a little thing, that means so much!

    As a wife and mother, I think so often my family takes it's cue from me.
    Therefore, I try to be encouraging to each of them in their daily life :)

    Have a great week .
