Monday, December 1, 2014

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

I've been in a blogging slump for several months.  I haven't had much to share about my seasonal decor.  I didn't get out the pilgrims & Indians until I set the table for our Friday Thanksgiving dinner until the day before.  See what I mean?  
That being said, I'm ready to share my Christmas bling as I slowly decorate.

This year we have a new Christmas tree.  It has a remote control with 7 different functions.  We love it!  
Friday evening my daughter-in-law, Kari, helped me decorate the tree with the help of my 3 year old granddaughter, Emma.  The guys weren't interested in tree trimming, so it was girl power to the rescue.  LOL
Here she is being silly while wearing my reading glasses.  
Emma really was a delight while we were trimming the tree.  I think she put more ornaments on the tree than I did.  She kept saying things like, "I love this!", "Oh, how beautiful!" & "I like decorating".  I think she is my 'mini me' for Christmas decorating.  I kept pulling out more & more ornaments, some that I hadn't used in years.  
I have many teacher ornaments I haven't used in years.  Emma wanted to use them all, so we did.  
I shared some history of some special ornaments like these from school Christmas parties in 2nd  & 3rd grade. 
I had so much fun watching Emma decorate the tree.  She really did a good job.  It was a memory making moment I'll never forget.
Ethan did agree to pose in front of the tree wearing his new Christmas pajamas.

Sunday started out warm & windy, we knew a cold front was coming our way in late afternoon.  After lunch hubby & I decided to rake leaves, clean most of the windows, and put up Christmas lights.  We were trying to finish before it got cold.   About 3:00 the wind changed directions & the temperature started to drop from 72 to 42.  We had to put on heavy coats.  It was so windy!!!  We finished all the lights as it was getting dark.  We were freezing.  Still have to put up wreaths & garland.  
More Christmas bling coming this week, hopefully!  


  1. It is BEAUTIFUL!!!! The cold front hit down here during the night! Amazing how cold a 30 degree drop can feel!!!
    I am about to dress and hit my decorating again! It is so much fun when your grands help out - I can tell from your pics! No small helpers here but someday I hope the quads will be volunteers. My other grands (the older ones who could BE a lot of help) have such a busy schedule that I don't ask them.
    I can't wait for the quads and Rayne to come over next week and see it all!!! Love that song - 'Christmas is for Kids.' Merry Christmas, Carol!

  2. Your grands are so cute Carol!! MIL & I watched the cold front roll in yesterday! Saturday was 70 and by noon on Sunday it was foggy and 20ish degrees! Ack! We did get our outside decor done before it hit too! Happy holiday season dear buddy!!

  3. Beautiful tree, and beautiful ornaments, and the outside looks beautiful as well! Nice job!
    I love the enthusiasm of your Grands... I'm sure their joy was contagious :)
    Happy decorating to you !

  4. Your tree looks so pretty, Carol. Emma cracks me up in that picture. You need to frame that one!

  5. Emma is a chip off the Nana block. Your tree is picture perfect. Your outside lighting shows so pretty. Ethan is getting long legs, he will certainly be tall like his Daddy.

  6. Wonderful to have helpers with tree trimming. It's not much fun doing it alone. Your tree is so pretty with all the colors and the yard looks wonderful. That was a huge drop in temp. Good thing you got it accomplished in your window of opportunity.

  7. Oh, your tree is lovely and how special to have such a cute little helper! :) Aren't these little dolls fun? Your home is so pretty!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)
