Sunday, November 16, 2014

Words That Inspire

The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7

It's not hard to be relaxed and peaceful when everything is going smoothly and your problems are all under control. But that's not real peace. Real peace is the inner calm God's Spirit gives you even when the world around you is chaotic, stress is bearing down on you, and things are going right off the rails at work and at home.

You get that kind of peace by trusting God and keeping your heart focused on Him. In return, His peace will keep you calm and under control. . .better able to process solutions and deal effectively with circumstances. Don't settle for a fragile peace that can't handle all that life is handing you. Put your hand in God's hand.

"Christ alone can bring lasting peace. . .
peace with God . . .peace among men and nations. . .
and peace within our hearts."
Billy Graham

Taken from "God's Daily Answer".

Wishing you a warm, peaceful day . . .


  1. Right off the rails is an excellent metaphor...only Jesus can make the difference. One day, He will set this world straight.Hope that all is on the rails in your corner.

  2. This is so true, Carol! I think in songs, you know, and one that comes to mind is "Only Jesus Can Satisfy Your Soul". Hope you're doing well.
    Be a sweetie,

  3. Hi Carol! Hope you're having a good week and thanks for popping in to see me! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)
