Sunday, September 14, 2014

Words That Inspire

This is one of my favorite verses.

"What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee."
Psalm 56: 3

I memorized this more than 5 decades ago.
My little sister, Mary, who at the time was only 5 or 6 years old, quietly recited the verse while we were huddled in a closet.  The tornado siren had sounded. The lightening was flashing, thunder was clashing.  I will never forget that night.
In times like these this scripture is still resounding in my heart.

I'm going to print this free printable & frame it.  It's going to be displayed on my bedside table.  
If you would like a print, just click on the word source below the picture.  

Wishing you a calm & peaceful week . . . 


  1. That's a great one isn't it! Thanks Carol!

  2. A very comforting scripture indeed, thanks for the source!

  3. Hello Carol, hope you are feeling well. Thanks for "Words That Inspire" us.

  4. Thanks Carol for the printable.
    So nice!

  5. Carol, Love the printable, and I love the story about your little sister reciting this verse during a tornado. (When I was a child, we huddled in a closet while sirens sounded too.) This will be a great verse to wake up with each morning. laurie

  6. What a wonderful story. Even children can be comforted by the Word of God. Oh that every child knew some Scripture. This is one of my favorites and I have recited it many times as an adult.
