Sunday, September 7, 2014

Words That Inspire


After I heard the song, 'Let it Go', from the movie Frozen, I said to myself,
 "That could be my theme song!"
My heart & soul knows that God is in control, but too many times my human nature wants to take over.  
My prayer today & everyday,
"Thy will be done, dear Lord!"  

Wishing you a day & week of peace & understanding . . . 


  1. Oh, yes we all have to let go and it is hard to remember when we are in pain.
    Thanks for words that inspire us.

  2. Hi Carol
    This is such a good reminder, thank you!!

    It is hard to not be so 'human' sometimes, and remember that our Heavenly Father is in control.

    I just do my best, pray often, and Heavenly Father makes up the rest :)
