Sunday, August 17, 2014

Words That Inspire

This picture by Mary Engelbreit brings back memories of my childhood.  Playing after dark, catching lightening bugs.  Laying on a quilt gazing at the stars.  
We have had cool, beautiful summer nights for several weeks.  Reminds me of the summer nights when I was growing up.  Some evenings it feels like autumn is creeping closer.

To every thing there is a season, 
and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
Ecclesiastics 3:1

Wishing you a beautiful week . . . 


  1. love the bouquet! I missed all my daylilies! They were just beginning to bloom when I went to the hospital and finished by the time I got out! :) It is OK - I'll enjoy then next year!!! LAM

  2. I hope you are felling better , I wish things were better for our children to come. For we had a wonderful childhood. No worry about world power for we were the power to look up to.

  3. Enjoy these August days and evenings...have you seen a lightning bug lately?

  4. Catching lightening bugs. Looking up at the stars HUNTING FOR THE LITTLE AND BIG DIPPER it was a great time in my life too.
