Monday, June 30, 2014

Celebrating Red, White & Blue

I've been a little slow decorating the house for July 4th.
I've already shown you my mantel.

 Red, white & blue in the dining room.
On the side table . . . 
dining table . . . 
Grandma Minnie's guilt with some new place mats from Old Time Pottery.
I'll add a few flags to this antique pitcher.
Another side table . . . 
I just love Holly Hobby! 
 When I saw this plate at my favorite antique/junkin' store I knew it had to come home with me.
 "It's a star spangled day when you share it with a friend."

My littles are coming over in a few days with their Mommy to help me finish decorating for our 4th of July celebration. They have so much fun taking items out of the storage tubs & finding places for them around the house.  I'll share pictures soon.

I'm linking with . . .

Tweak It Tuesday #96


  1. Looks as if you're right on the ball to me. What little energy I had has up and left!

  2. Darling Holly Hobby plate :)

    Sounds like it will be a great day with the Grands helping to decorate.


  3. Everything looks so pretty. Your house is a star spangled winner!

  4. There is always something about a quilt on the table! Beautiful! Have a wonderful fourth. Jane
