Friday, June 6, 2014

A Day To Remember

D-Day June 6, 1944
70 years ago
So thankful for those who gave all on that day so long ago.
Praying today that we will never forget!


  1. Adding my prayers to yours...may they be multiplied thousands of times over. It appears that we need them.

    Have been so moved by the special reports from the survivors of that day...94 year old who makes the jump once again and 90 year old who finds his friend's grave after years of searching... They are something!

  2. OH! how I agree Carol, I think sometimes we in this country forget the price that was paid, thank you for reminding and for remembering!. Enjoy your weekend,
    Hugs, and blessings,

  3. When we are gone who will remember?

  4. What a lovely tribute on your mantel. The new look on your blog is great! laurie

  5. I pray that we never forget. God bless all those who sacrificed their youth so that I could be free.
