Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter 2014

Our Easter celebration was filled with food, chocolate, eggs, & more chocolate.
The littles proudly showing off the eggs they found during our front yard/back yard egg hunt.  The eggs were filled with money & chocolates.

Emma had so much fun opening each egg.  Everytime she opened one she would announce with delight, "More money!" or "More candy!"

Ethan, checking out his pail of Easter goodies from Nana & Papaw.

The kids kept hiding away under tables & the piano to eat chocolates.
Emma was sneaky, she managed to eat the icing off 6 cupcakes & eat 1/2 of 2 cupcakes.
I need to check with Kari to find out if they've come down from their sugary Easter high.

It's rainy here today.  Perfect day for staying in & catching up with a few chores.  I might take a nap, too.


  1. The egg hunt sounds like a success. Your little kids are getting taller each picture I see. Fun memories.

  2. Love it!! Easter and chocolate go hand in hand.
    Love the loot too.... what a fun Easter egg hunt.

    Smiles :)
