Monday, March 17, 2014

Back In Business

I'm back to blogging again.  A big thank you & hugs to my son for getting my lap top running again.  It's so nice to have a techie in the family.  It all started when he was in kindergarten.  One day he told his dad that he had played with the "pewter" at school.  

I want to thank everyone for the prayers & positive thoughts concerning my RA diagnosis.  Those prayers are helping.  I'm feeling better with each passing day.  Apparently the meds are finally kicking in.  
We enjoyed a fun afternoon of family time yesterday.
Emma helped me set the table for Sunday dinner.  She's so eager to learn to do new things.

After dinner we baked St. Patrick's Day cupcakes.
The kiddos enjoyed helping Nana & Mommy add ingredients to the cake mix.  It was exciting to see the batter turn green after the food coloring was added.  Adding green sprinkles to the icing was super fun.
They really enjoyed eating their cupcakes.
Emma's favorite part was the icing.
Ethan gobbled up his entire cupcake in a flash.

We've already made plans to decorate Nana & Papaw's house for Easter & bake Easter cupcakes.
I can't wait!


  1. As much fun to make as it is to eat, (borrowed that line from Jiffy Pop). Looks so tasty too!

  2. Of course it is me Sis Sue not Mike. I guess he was last on the 'pewter'.

  3. Wonderful to have both you and your lap top doing better. Yay for good meds and yay for boys who grow up to know how to work with the pewter.

    Your little grandgirlie has grown so in the few weeks since I last saw a photo. So strange how that happens.

    Happy decorating!

  4. Welcome back Carol. Glad to see you are feeling better too. :)

  5. Looks like a lot of fun and your grandkids are so cute!!
