Monday, January 6, 2014

January Mantel

While my sister was here last week she helped me do a little January decorating.  It's always fun working with her, she has so many great ideas.  Both of my sisters have an eye for design.
Today I'll show you the mantel.
Grandma Ruby's skiers.
Luminara Candles from QVC.  The faux flame looks so real.
Vintage book & long ago pictures of me in the snow.
Candles glowing, always make a cold January day cozy.
We're setting record lows here in Oklahoma this morning.  So thankful I'm at home staying warm. 
I'm linking with . . . 


  1. Ruby's skier people look right at home with the freezing temps and snow outside. Stay warm.

  2. The comment above was really me not Mike. Guess I used his sign in first. Oops, sorry about that.

  3. Gorgeous and so perfect with all that snow outside. I would love for you to link up to my 198th Inspire Me party. - - - Hope to see you there. Hugs Marty

  4. Hi Carol! Oh, your mantel looks so lovely and how nice to have your sister help you. The little skiers are just darling. Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. I love the idea with the vintage book and old photos. I have most all our older family photos and am looking for ways to display them. Blessings

  6. Hi Carol-
    Happy New Year!
    Your mantel looks lovely.
    Mine looks a little bare after Christmas.

    Enjoyed visiting,


  7. I love the way you used your photos with the book, too!! What a great way to personalize your décor! Stay warm!!

  8. First off, your wood surround fireplace and mantel are gorgeous, Carol! Those are such sweet little figurines, and I adore the idea of the old pics clipped to a vintage book -- I just may have to borrow that idea!

  9. Looks great. I love the way y'all clipped the photos in the book.
