Friday, November 29, 2013

Tale Of The Christmas Trees

We had a great Thanksgiving day!  Food & more food.  Enough leftovers for the next few days.
I've always wanted to start a tradition of decorating the Christmas trees on Thanksgiving evening.  So, that's just what we did tried to do.
As you can see the trees are not decorated.  The reason is because of many burned out bulbs.  We need to replace many bulbs.  This is not fun!  
You may have noticed in the first picture a couple of white ornaments.  The grandkids found them in the tree bags.  I guess you could say one tree is decorated.  LOL!
Stand by for updates.


  1. Hi Carol! That's been our tradition for many years to put up the tree after the Thanksgiving dishes are finished. The past few years it's been going up sooner! Don't you hate it when those pesky little lights go out! You'll get it and it'll be beautiful.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. The dreaded burned out bulb! I am perfectly content to look at a Winter Tree for several days. Thanksgiving wore me out!
