Thursday, November 7, 2013

Mini Shelf Transformation

My sister, Susan, is an expert at redoing items that she finds at flea markets & antique malls.  Yesterday, I showed you a little $1.25 shelf that we found at an antique mall.  Sis Sue got busy & transformed the shelf before we went to dinner.  
She started by cutting off the lower portion of the shelf.  The shelf is now a cabinet that measures 10 X 10.
Next, she used a hairdryer to soften the glue that was on the back of the apples so they could be removed.
We found a can of red spray paint in the garage.  A quick coat of paint changed the shelf into a cute cabinet.
  Susan always brings gifts that she knows my grandkids will enjoy.  Sometimes she brings books or toys. On this visit she brought an adorable collection of plastic cups, bowls, plates, forks & spoons that she had found on some of her shopping trips in Missouri.
Look at this sweet little kid sized napkins she made.
She also brought this fun food tablecloth that she made.
It features the food groups.
I know that Ethan & Emma are going to love playing with the little cabinet & dishes.  Snacks & meals will be fun with the tablecloth.  
Thank you, Susan, for all the love you share with my grandkids.

Susan & Mike left at day break this morning to drive to Houston to visit sister, Mary & her family.  Have fun, give everyone a hug for me!


  1. How adorable the shell turned out, best of all is the use it will give for her dishes.

  2. That is so cute! Hope we get to see the grands having fun with it next time they're visiting.

  3. very talented ladies in your family!
