Friday, November 1, 2013

It Was A Sweet Night

Halloween 2013 was a sweet, fun night.
Lots of adorable & a few scary visitors came to our door.  The sweetest of all were our grandkids.
Captain America & his little sister.

Daddy's pictures before they came to our house.
Even Daddy & Mommy dressed up.
Hello, Napoleon Dynamite!  
Kari was "Deb" from the Napoleon Dynamite movie.

Yes, it was a sweet night.  I'm happy to report that all the leftover candy went home with Deb, Napoleon Dynamite, Captain America & Little Sister.  Quote from Napoleon, "Lucky!"


  1. Cute little kids and funny big kids.

  2. They are so cute and growing so fast. It was like yesterday your grand children and my g- great son
    were born.

  3. Oh cute! I note that Captain America is very active. Do you keep your camera on the sports setting? Sometimes I have to.

  4. I loved all the costumes. Your grandkids are adorable!!
