Friday, October 11, 2013

Snail Mail Surprise

I was thrilled to receive a snail mail surprise package today.  Sis Sue sent me early birthday gifts.
The box was filled with all kinds of goodies.  She knows me well.
I can't wait to read this vintage book, published in 1947. 
Isn't this little doll sweet?  She is a Madame Alexander doll made for McDonald's in 2003.
I absolutely love the vintage school picture!  
Thank you Sis Sue!  You made me smile!


  1. Only a sister would know to include all of those treasures! What fun you'll have incorporating them into your decor. That doll is adorable!

  2. That's the sweetest kind of gift. There's obviously so much thought there.

    Cheryl has given me sweet gifts like that. :)

  3. What a wonderful surprise!!
    You are a lucky girl with a thoughtful and loving sister :)

    Happy weekend!
