Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Another Year Older

I'm blessed to be celebrating another birthday.
Here I am celebrating my 2nd birthday 59 years ago.  That's me on the right getting ready to blow out the candles.  My cousin, Becky is enjoying a taste of the frosting.  


  1. Happy Birthday Carol. Love this post and you've shared truth. Each day I count my blessings to be enjoying life. May your day be filled with all that makes you happiest.
    Hugs, Noreen

  2. Hope you have a wonderful day girl. :)

  3. Cool picture. Hope your birthday is filled is happy moments.

  4. What a precious photo!

    Just had a birthday yesterday myself. I loved your quote.

  5. Happy Birthday sweet Carol! I'm so glad I popped in to wish you a very special day! Sending you LOTS of birthday hugs! Have fun....eat lots of cake!

  6. Do you and your cousin still look like sisters? So cute! Hope that your birthday is sweet! (I like that quote.)

  7. Hi Carol, I love all of your notecards. They are all so pretty and perfect for fall. I love the old books stacked up with the scripture on the spines. A sweet idea. Thank you for visiting and your kind comment. Blessings, Pamela
