Monday, September 30, 2013

Pancakes For Dinner

Our sweet kiddos stayed with us while Mommy & Daddy went to a church meeting yesterday evening.
After much discussion about what we should have for dinner, we Ethan decided we should have pancakes.  I asked if they wanted small or large pancakes.  He chose large.
Ethan ate 2 . . . 
Emma ate 3 . . .
We love spoiling our grandkids.


  1. Breakfast for dinner, has always been a favorite around here.
    It's comfort food, and time to enjoy it, without rushing out the door to the new day.

    Those grands of yours are darling, and getting so grown up!!

    Have a great day!

    {p.s. I'm blogging again, and enjoying it :)}

  2. A great plan! The best thing about grands is spoiling them and then sending them home to younger people who can keep up with them so very well.

  3. Your g-kids look as sweet and the syrup for the pancakes. Serving your g-kids short stacks will make them grow into tall stacks. ; )
