Saturday, August 24, 2013

Saturday Snapshots

Summer is hanging on.  We're back to hot & humid days. 
 Our flowers have enjoyed our cooler than normal summer.  
The deck flowers are so pretty.

Saturday Lunch
Anyone want to guess where we ate?

So glad you visited today!
Hope you each & everyone are doing well.


  1. Your flowers are lovely, Carol, and so healthy looking. We had been having heat and humidity, but are now enjoying cooler temps. it is to get down to 58 tonight, and that is all right with me. Enjoy your Sunday, Hugs,

  2. Looks like Abuellos' chip bowl. Your flowers have really thrived.

  3. Your flowers and your lunch look so great!

  4. I have no idea where you ate, but it sure looks good! Your flowers do look very happy with the cooler temps you've had this summer. My potted flowers need to be binned or have been already.
