Tuesday, August 13, 2013

It's That Kind Of Day

It doesn't feel like August.
It's Rainy, cloudy & cool. 
 It feels like autumn.
This Cinnamon Bun candle from 
is perfect for this kind of day.
Counting down the days!


  1. These mild August days do make Fall seem right around the corner. Time to stop and smell the candle. ; )

  2. Carol, we are working in our front garden flower beds and it is hot, hot, hot! Wish we could send of it your way, my friend. Ron is making the beds looks so beautiful. Happy Tuesday.

    Barb ♥

  3. Hi Carol! I'll bet that candle does smell good. Now I'm glad it's cooler at your house but here with the high humidity, the news just said it felt like 103'. I hate hot!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. I think we are going to get relief from the heat and humidity tomorrow....at least that is what they are telling us.

    Thanks for the candle love!

