Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Little Kitchen Experiment

The other day I had 3 very ripe bananas that needed to be used in a baking project.  They were just moments away from the garage disposal.  
I found this recipe on Pinterest & thought I would give it a try.

Now, if you've been reading my blog lately, you know I'm on a mission to clean out my pantry & freezer.
This recipe calls for chocolate chips.  I did not have any, but I did have 1/2 a bag of mini heath bars in the freezer.  A broke them into pieces, put them in a ziplock page & used a rolling pin to smash them into little bits. I also added 1/2 a cup of oatmeal & 1/4 cup of flax.  (I'm always trying to add fiber to our diet.)  
Here is my version of Chocolate Banana Bread.
Verdict, it would have been better with chocolate chips.
Don't get me wrong, it is good.
This is the way I like to enjoy a slice.
Four little delightful pieces.  So good with coffee!


  1. Sigh, your bread looks so moist and chocolately! I love using dark, ripe bananas for breads, too! I find they are more flavorful with mashed banana. :) I may have to give your bread a try!

  2. Bananas never looked better. ; )

  3. OH this looks delicious, Carol, I like that you invented you own recipe,, I do this all the time, some times success and other times not so, but I keep trying. I recently did this with my peach jam and it turned out great. Thanks for sharing.
    enjoy your Labor Day weekend.
