Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Lunch & Retail Therapy

I meet my friend, Belva, for lunch yesterday. We had a great time visiting & catching up.  The Cheesecake Factory was delicious!  We decided to go to Hobby Lobby for a little retail therapy.  I hadn't been to Hobby Lobby in months.  Wow, I found so much that I would have loved to put in my cart.  I had to use restraint.  
After all, I went there only looking for sunflowers.  
Well, I did find some sunflowers, daisies & greenery, all for 50% off.  The sunflowers were almost gone.  Glad I didn't wait to shop.
I found this sturdy tray basket for 66% off.  They had a lot of nice things for 66% off.
This girlie back pack was 66% off.  Perfect for, Emma!
 I put these stickers in my cart because I knew the grandkids would like them.  I was pleasantly surprise when I checked out that they were 66% off, $1.02.  Score!
They had a lot of neat burlap ribbon choices, even chevron.
 I chose this cute yellow polka dot for a new wreath I'm making. The ribbon was full price, $5.99, not bad.

Yes, they already have fall & Christmas items on the shelf.  A little early in my opinion.  Oh, well . . . 


  1. I love to look around Hobby Lobby. Christmas comes early! I don't mind the hints of fall though. I surely love Fall! :)

  2. You got lots of great deals. A little Hob Lob does a body good. : )

  3. That store is just amazing and I can always find something wonderful. Love your sunflowers and the tray is amazing. Hugs, Marty

  4. Just a little early... : )

    I'd love to visit a Hobby Lobby...wonder where the nearest one might be...

  5. I love Hobby Lobby. There is so much you can do with that burlap ribbon. New follower.
    Let's Add Sprinkles
