Monday, July 15, 2013

Coca Cola Dining Table

"It's the real thing"
The dining room table is celebrating summer with Coca Cola.
 Empty bottles courtesy of my Hubby & Son.
The bottle box reminds me of our family 4th of July celebrations when I was growing up.
Daddy would go to the ice dock located next door to the Coca Cola plant in our town to buy a big paper bag of ice for making ice-cream. 
He would also buy a box of assorted "pop".  That's what we call sodas here in Oklahoma.  
The assortment included Coca-Cola, orange & grape.  
It was a special treat that we enjoyed once a year on the 4th.

I'm linking with . . .

Three Mango Seeds
Chic on a Shoestring Decorating


  1. This brings back memories for me too. Dad would buy us bottles of Coke and bags of peanuts. We'd pour the peanuts into the Coke and then drink it!

  2. Oh I love it. I havn't seen one of those old crates in quite a while. Great centerpiece. Thanks tons for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  3. Sometimes we had strawberry soda too. I remember thinking we were rich when we had a crate full of different pop in the house.

  4. The assorted pops sound great! We only had soda pop on special occasions, too. It was very rare.
