Thursday, June 27, 2013

Our New Pool

We finally broke down & got a pool.  Yes, it broke the bank.
A Target bargain for $20!  
The grankids & their cousin think it's just as good as a big pool.
Our 6'5", son looks so funny splashing around.  
Even if the pool any lasts for one summer, it's well worth the 20 bucks.
Emma loved sitting on the edge.
Maybe next time she'll go in all the way.
Lucy & Snoopy don't have anything on us!  HA!


  1. That looks like so much fun! I didn't realize your son was almost as tall as our Jonathan. The kiddos are adorable. Growing so quickly too.

  2. Oh I love it. I so miss our pool from our old house, this looks like so much fun and what a great treat for the grands. Hugs, Marty

  3. So much fun! That is a hoot Bobby fills up the pool with is long body.
