Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day
My Daddy, holding our son, 1981.
Miss him every day.
Hubby & our son, 1983.
Son, Bobby, with our sweet grands.

A Father Is: 
There in every memory
See his love and care
Strength and hands to count on
Freely he does share
Provider, toil so faithfully
To make our dreams come true
Give strong and tender discipline
Though it is hard to do
A Father is God's chosen one
To lead the family
And point it to His will for life
Of love and harmony... 

~ Sue Skeen 

Wishing you a Father's Day filled with memories & love . . . 


  1. Precious memories and a beautiful poem...hope that he men in your life enjoy a wonderful Father's Day!

  2. A duplicate...this button's a little tricky.
