Monday, June 3, 2013

Enjoying My Deck Greenery

What a beautiful Monday morning this is!  Clear, sunny & cool.  The air is fresh & invigorating.  I love mornings like this.  The plants on our deck are flourishing. 
I've only seen 1 hummer whizzing around when I was watering the other day.  I need to do a little deck sitting & relaxing to see if I can see others visiting.
Here's the view of the south side.
This planter is really thriving.
I clipped some of this rosemary to use in this idea from Pinterest.
Rosemary Lemon Vanilla Home Scent
You know that wonderful smell when you walk into Williams Sonoma?  Here’s how to get it:  water, sliced lemon, 3 springs of fresh rosemary and about a teaspoon of vanilla.  Simmer on the stove.
I bought these two plants to help control insects on the deck.
Citronella & lemon grass.  
I pruned back the petunias to see if they'll put on more blooms.

Thanks for visiting, hope you'll be back soon!


  1. You have a very pretty place to sit and relax. Love all the plants.

  2. Everything looks so pretty Carol. Do you have a hibiscus out there? That's what I have the most luck with to draw hummingbirds.

  3. Your plants really are thriving. You'd laugh to see the scraggly Rosemary I've somehow managed to drag through the winter. Hoping that being in the garden will help it get going. Yes, do take some viewing time. I bet there are more hummers than you know.
