Saturday, June 1, 2013

& Again

If you watch the news you may know that Oklahoma was ravaged by tornadoes again on Friday.
Oklahoma City & Moore were hit again.  So sad.  Many other towns were hit
We were blessed that the storms dissipated before it reached our city.  Later it struck east of  us.
Some parts Of Oklahoma are experiencing flooding.
Please pray for our state.
Thank you & God bless.


  1. Oh, Carol! I'm so glad you're safe! I just couldn't believe there were tornadoes hitting almost the same place again! Praying for your state.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  2. Wow, I feel so for the people of Oklahoma. I am so glad you and your family is safe. The Lord is so good.

  3. But wasn't Saturdays' sunset spectacular? Stay safe Carol and be blessed. Praying for us all from Pryor.
