Friday, May 17, 2013

Vintage Chalkboard & Books

2 weeks ago we had a busy weekend of  family activities, but Sis Sue & I still found time to shop here . . .
We shopped there 2 week before & of course bought a few items.
I saw this vintage chalkboard  for $12.00 & decided to not buy it.
I thought about it for 2 weeks wishing I had brought it home.
Lo & behold it was still for sale.  In the shopping cart it went.
It's a great addition to the reading/toy corner.
I love children's book, especially vintage books.
These are so neat, $2.00 each.

Do you decorate your home with vintage finds from garage sales, flea markets & antique shops?

I'm linking with . . .
Three Mango Seeds


  1. I love the book about the house in the forest. Kids books are so 'fun'damental. ; )

  2. Hi Carol. Love your chalkboard and that was the perfect place to hang it. Love the little children's books too. Yes, ma'am, I do!
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  3. I love your chalkboard. Mary has a little green one in her school room and she loves to write on it. My sister gives her so many great books and a lot of them are vintage. I like to decorate with vintage items, but I don't have a lot of them :)
