Friday, May 10, 2013

Updates On & Around The Kitchen Table

Happy Friday!  
I got so excited a little earlier when I noticed I had 15 comments on yesterday's post.  I rarely see comments in the double digits.  My excitement soon turned to disappointment when I saw that the 8 new comments were spam from someone in Australia trying to peddle insurance & a bunch of other stuff.  I deleted them.  Hope that doesn't happen again.  

Now, for today's post.
Updates on & around the kitchen table.
My sister helped me remove the shades from the chandelier.
It's a brighter look & I like it.
This set of place mats came from Target.  The price was right at less than $8.00.
I also bought the napkins that match.  I'll show those off later.
These faux flowers go well with the sunny colors of the place mats.
This little lamp had been in the utility room for years.  The original shade was faded & needed to go.
Susan & I found the new burlap shade at Target.  Love it!
Susan bought this sweet little reading gnome for me. 
It looks like the rabbit is listening to him read.
The kitchen is ready for sunny, warm weather.


  1. looks so inviting - I can't wait for the Lawton Target to open!

  2. Oh I love your lamp! The burlap shade is perfect too.

    Do you ever join linky parties? You get many more visitors that way. It takes time to do though.

  3. Your table is very cheery with all the pretty colors it looks ready for a garden party. The gnome found a good spot to read.

  4. I love the placemats in different colors, how fun is that and the lamp and knome are both so fun. Great job and it does look ready for spring and summer. Bright, cheery and inviting. Hugs, Marty

  5. What a great lamp! Love the shade too.
