Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Best Part

We had a very busy Saturday & Sunday.
We visited my hometown for the annual reunion parade.  I got to see some familiar faces & had a great time visiting with them.  We went to Hubby's school reunion in the little town where he was born.  It was good to see his brother, sister-in-law & nieces.  Duane & Verla live in Moore, OK.  Their home was not harmed in the horrible tornado last week.  
Sunday, the kids came over for dinner.  This was the best part of our weekend.
  Ethan & Emma enjoyed eating corn on the cob.
The homemade ice-cream was good to the last drop.
Simple moments like this become priceless memories.


  1. They sure do! I think that Emma's grin says just how good that corn is.

  2. Your kids sure do make corn on the cob look delicious, so fun!

  3. What a perfect weekend. So glad your family members who live in Moore didn't loose their home etc in the tornado. Love seeing your grands eating corn! Have a great day.

  4. We had so much fun and enjoyed the yummy food! Love the pics =)
